Educational materials

Educational video

III year

Theme 13. Types of anesthesia, their disadvantages and advantages, indications, and contraindications for separate species of anesthesia. Preoperative examination of the patient. Determination of the degree of operational and anesthetic risk. Stages of operative anesthesia. The stage of anesthesia. Clinical, laboratory, and monitoring observation of patients during surgical intervention.

Theme 14. Postoperative intensive care, as a continuation of surgical treatment. Complications in the postoperative period from various organs and systems.

Theme 15. Diagnosis and emergency assistance with acute breathing disorders and blood circulation.

Theme 16. Terminal states. Causes of the circulatory stop. Clinical death. Pathophysiological substantiation of the method of cardio-pulmonary and brain resuscitation. Basic Life Support (and BLC+Defib)

V курс / course

Учбові відеофільми дисципліни "Анестезіологія та інтенсивна терапія"

Тема №1.

BLS with AED demo video by European Resuscitation Council

CPR / AED Emergency Response Refresher (the best education video about BLS according to CPR 2015)

ACLS - ECG rhythm recognition & management

PROTECT THE TEAM DURING CPR: SARS-CoV2 positive ward patient arrests - Immersive Simulation by the ICAST team

ACLS Shockable Rhythm Protocol 3 concepts

Advanced Life Support Scenario - PEA with ROSC

CPR in Pregnancy

Resuscitation i Pregnancy

Тема №2.

Бронхіальна астма/Asthma

Патофізіологія бронхіальної астми/Asthma Pathophysiology

Pleural Effusion (DETAILED) - (pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, treatment)

Community Acquired Pneumonia

Pneumonia - PART I (Overview, Lobar and Bronchopneumonia)

Pneumonia - PART II (Transmission, Causative Agents, Investigations, Management)

Тема №3.

What is shock?

Pathophysiology of Shock

Hypovolemic shock

Cardiogenic shock

Anaphylactic shock

Neurogenic shock

Shock Stages: Initial, Compensatory, Progressive, Refractory

Тема №4.

Acute Coronary Syndrome DETAILED Overview (MI, STEMI, NSTEMI)

Pulmonary Embolism PART I (Overview)

An introduction to the SEPSIS pathway (detect it early and treat it early)

Pathogenesis of Septic shock

Тема №5.

Acute Liver Failure

Acute liver failure (Epidemiology, Diagnosis)

Hepatic Failure

Acute Renal Failure

Renal failure and dialysis

Тема №6.

Діабет 1 і 2 типу, діабетичний кетоацидоз

Ускладнення діабету та їх патогенез

Гіперосмолярний некетоацидотичний гіперглікемічний стан

Гіпоглікемія: клініка і невідкладна допомога

Коматозні стани (лекція проф.М.А.Пірадова на ІІ Московському Міжнародному симпозіумі з нейрореанімації, 2013 рік)

Тема №7.

Critical Care for Paramedic: Toxicology

Додаткові навчальні матеріали/Additional materials